
Discover Your Christmas Knowledge: Take the Ultimate Festive Quiz!

Do you love Christmas and the whole winter season that is associated with this magical holiday? Do you want to shorten the endless wait for Santa Claus in a fun Christmas test? We’ve prepared some questions for you to find out if you’re a real Christmas maniac or if you’re in the category of people who would rather just cancel Christmas altogether.

  • Question of

    Christmas music in shops and supermarkets usually awaken in me:

    • Unbelievable joy and merriment!
    • I’m starting to look forward to Christmas!
    • The stress of not getting everything done on time again…
    • Anger and disgust!!!
  • Question of

    When does Christmas Eve usually start for you?

    • As soon as possible! Sometimes I can’t sleep for the anticipation.
    • Soon, to get everything done beautifully and then enjoy Christmas family time.
    • Everyone wakes up when they want, we don’t do that here.
    • I wouldn’t mind sleeping until dinner.
  • Question of

    Do you watch traditional movies and fairy tales during Christmas?

    • I love Christmas movies and watch them all year round!
    • Yes. Fairy tales are part of the Christmas spirit.
    • Only the ones I don’t know by heart.
    • I prefer not to turn on the TV during Christmas.
  • Question of

    Sometimes Santa doesn’t manage to get all the presents, so he leaves some of them to us. Are you trying to wrap your loved ones’ Christmas presents nicely?

    • I always try to wrap the gift in an original way. Unwrapping is half the fun!
    • Every gift must have a big bow!
    • I can wrap a present, but it’s not a masterpiece.
    • I’ll have the gift wrapped at the store or leave it up to a family member.
  • Question of

    When do you usually start decorating the Christmas tree at home?

    • I start decorating the tree as early as possible so we can enjoy it at home for as long as possible! Why not start at the beginning of December!
    • Every year we buy new ornaments for the tree and together we agree on when to start decorating.
    • I only decorate the tree when someone in my family asks me to help.
    • I first approach the tree when there are presents under it!
  • Question of

    How are you doing with the Christmas decorations in your home?

    • The whole room is decorated with a tree, there is a small Christmas symbol on the window in every room and of course there are outdoor Christmas lights all over the house! Then on Christmas Eve we all wear Christmas sweaters or other festive clothes at home.
    • A Christmas tree, a beautifully set table, a wreath on the door, the smell of Christmas candles and twinkling lights outside the window.
    • Decent decoration that may not impress anyone, but it doesn’t look kitschy!
    • I deplore Christmas decorations. A tree is perfectly adequate.
  • Question of

    Are you trying to spread your Christmas cheer to the people around you?

    • All the time! I give everyone gift tips, listen to Christmas music, and regularly share a countdown clock that always lets you know exactly how many days and hours from now Christmas Eve will be.
    • I try to cheer everyone up with the vision of a peaceful family holiday and help people avoid unnecessary pre-Christmas stress.
    • My neighborhood usually looks forward to Christmas much more than I do.
    • I try to avoid the Christmas spirit.
  • Question of

    Do you and your family observe any Christmas customs?

    • We have several!
    • We have adapted the traditions to suit ourselves. We have our own annual customs.
    • There is always someone who doesn’t want to participate, so we don’t follow any customs.
    • All of them are outdated and the result cannot be trusted. Waste of time.
  • Question of

    Are you writing a letter to Santa Claus?

    • We write letters on a regular basis and use a special service of the Czech Post called Czech Jesus, which delivers the letter directly to Santa Claus.
    • We leave the letters to Santa outside the window for him to pick up at night.
    • Instead of writing a letter, I tell my wishes directly to my baby Jesus.
    • I don’t write letters.
  • Question of

    Do you visit Christmas markets during Advent?

    • Nothing can speed up the wait for Christmas like Christmas markets! Not only do we visit the ones in our country, but we also go to the bigger markets abroad in search of Christmas atmosphere!
    • I’m definitely not going to miss the Christmas brew and decorations. I usually visit several markets.
    • I usually just walk through the markets in a hurry, I don’t have the time or inclination to stop at the stalls.
    • Thousands of people squeezing in queues for unnecessarily overpriced food and drink while listening to one carol after another? I really don’t need to experience that again.
  • Question of

    Do you bake your own Christmas cookies?

    • It’s our tradition, the whole family always bakes and we try to add a new recipe every year!
    • We bake sweets, but only the kinds we really like.
    • We buy candy.
    • I can easily survive Christmas without candy.
  • Question of

    Do you know anything about the history of Christmas or why we celebrate this holiday in the first place?

    • Yes, I attend Midnight Mass every year, I have read many articles, and I have plenty of information about the history of Christmas and Advent.
    • Thanks to, I know everything about Christmas!
    • I think I still remember a few things from school.
    • I never cared.
  • Question of

    Are you watching the countdown to Christmas?

    • Yes, regularly and I usually share it with friends too!
    • Occasionally I’ll look or see it at one of my friends’ houses.
    • I don’t watch, Christmas starts the same every year, there’s nothing to find out.
    • I didn’t even know the Christmas deduction existed.